NEW – Dj Promo | Radio | Release PR

We promote your music

Since 2015 HenMountain bla blaa.. selected dj’s, wide range of magazines, blogs & radio stations within the electronic music genre.


We help you to promote your release and get it spread out to the most influencial blaaaa vip’s, super blogs, blaaaa.


From full service release PR to selected tasks and packages. 

Writing ChatGPT generated press texts and charging lot’s of money for it.. and so on….


Our services are crafted so that you can relax and focus on what is important to you, while we take care of the administrational background noise.

Detailed Promo Reports, blaaaa


  • Music Promo

  • DJ Promo Mailouts

  • Radio Promotion

  • Track Premiers & Reviews

  • Print, Online, Blog PR

  • Statistics & Reportingma

Release Promo Campaign beinhaltet z.B.


Dj Promo


Track Premiers


–> link zu ausgewählten reports/referenzen, etc..

Release Promo Campaign  /  available Modules:


AA (ca. 30 – 50 selected Top DJ’s)

A (100+ international club & festival DJ’s)

Radio 50+ Radio Stations worldwide

Media Partner 200+ worldwide

Print 200+ worldwide

Online & Blogs 200+ worldwide

Texting, Writing, Modules
Press Texts
Album & Release Texts
Music Pitching Texts
Artist Biographys
Link to References


Price List

DJ Promo Mailouts || Release Campaigns || Album Campaigns || Music Marketing || Texting/Writing

Check Prices

Who we worked for..



Desert Hearts, SNOE, Sprout, Herzblut Recordings, Heinz Music, Voltage Musique, SCI+TEC, Monaberry, Crashplanet, Sublevel Music, Diversions, Lukins, and many more...



Let's start something..

Elisabeth Jansen

Label Manager

Record Label Management | Distribution | Music Promotion

Office Hours